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Shamanic Workshop ‘the Hero’s Journey’

29/06/2024 - 06/07/2024

Nowa Morawa, Sudeten, Poland

The only freedom is the victory over yourself. 

The Shamanic Workshop “The Hero’s Journey” is an internal experience that allows us to achieve a deep and personal transformation. It is a very deep rite of passage necessary in our development.

It allows us, among other things, to contact our dark side and thus release old or current emotions that prevent us from traveling the path of life. Or see our lives and our life designs in a new light. It is also a perfect time to complete or begin a phase of our lives (marriage, birth of a child, moving to a new house, career change, divorce, loss of a loved one, spiritual questions about the life’s path or other…). This workshop is an experience of growth and maturation.

Searching and discovering our heroic Self, the “HERO” who lives in each of us, and who not only has the power to heal ourselves, but is also a powerful force that we can use to create our lives.

Our “DEMON” is also a part of us. Conscious or not, sometimes standing in the shadow of our subconscious, but it is always with us and it is he who has the greatest strength to face the adversities of life.

It is this strength within us, this inner hero that reveals itself when life presents us with another difficult stage. It sustains us and helps us overcome the obstacles that appear in our lives. It accompanies our internal crises. It is present when we face new challenges and when we feel that we have stopped… How to move forward in life and overcome obstacles?

In order to exist in the world as an integrated being, aware of its power and purpose, it is necessary that our two internal – oppositional forces: the “inner hero” and the “demon of resistance” can communicate with each other and start working together.

‘The Hero’s Journey’ is a shamanic journey where we have the opportunity to learn about various aspects of ourselves. It is a long journey filled with adventures and amazing encounters, like any shamanic journey. It is a process of internal transformation. To work with it, we use all the positive energy of the universe, which is at our disposal all the time. All we need to do is say YES with our hearts and have the courage to face every aspect of ourselves.

As in every shamanic journey, you meet your inner self to see it, experience it, integrate it and transform it.

This journey is intended for all those whose life motto is “a fulfilled life” and who want to give themselves all the opportunities to consciously go through their lives and feel that they have made the best use of it as possible.

This workshop shows you how, in a conscious way, you can use your energy to realize your most hidden dreams in the real, physical world.

We invite individuals and couples, including those who work with other people, therapists, psychotherapists, psychologists, personal development trainers and coaches. There are also workshops for actors, theater directors, dancers and choreographers. All those who want to expand their creative skills by working on themselves.


Mario Wisniewski – Animator, psychotherapist, actor, director, teacher of tantra, and shaman.

A vigilant observer of the reality, beekeeper and traveller, passionate about life.

A happy husband and father, supported by his wife Gaya and a team of therapists, always with a sense of humour.

Our place

Place: Nowa Morawa, the Massif of Snieznik, Lower Silesia, Poland. The home ‘Modra Rzeka’ is a place that will host you with delicious vegetarian home cuisine. The meals are made by locally grown ecological products, coming from the mountains and valleys around– vegetables, fruit, cheese, homemade preserves.


Registration and contact

This workshop has already taken place. We invite you to other workshops – leave a message and we will inform you about the upcoming dates.

Contact: Aleksandra Jozwiak, +48 720 893 888,