Shamanic journey to the places of power France summer 2018 00 — kopia1,1 (2)1,2OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA1,1221,1111,131,121,111,101,91,81,72,02,12,22,32,4OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA2.53,03,13,23,33,43,53,93,83,73,6Les crêtes du Puy Mary3,123,113,133,14OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA3,183,173,163,15OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA4,04,64,54,34,24,15,0OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA5,55,45,35,25,16d34018f17490e8ca15106ac07a6b726maxresdefaultIMG_9652DSC_0081DSC_0035cover-r4x3w1000-57df4aa2a56de-loupsDSC_0095femme_10 Warsztaty jakie mogą Ciebie zainteresować Już za 161dni... Shamanic Workshop 'the Hero’s Journey' Nowa Morawa, Sudeten, Poland, Warsztat 7 dniowy Prowadzi: Маrio The only freedom is the victory over yourself. The Shamanic Workshop “The Hero’s Journey” is an internal experience th... CZYTAJ WIĘCEJ “The World of Christmas” – concert, December 2018, Stronie Slaskie, Poland Shamanic journey to the places of power France summer 2018 II