Monika, ‘Dancing with the Gods and Goddesses’, 2024

I think for the first time in my path I felt a certain readiness, such a subtle readiness to be in the Faith. The word itself is not enough to write… it is this state of Being, Being in yourself, opening and listening to Yourself. The best thing is that I even blurred and became One with what was happening. It’s moving that I can be in this Feeling and follow it. I am ready for Miracles, for the Goddess within me. This is the essence and only a summary of what happened in the Colourful House in Modra Rzeka;)

Because how to describe that in a few days you get to know yourself, how to describe that you connect with your Ancestors, how to describe that you connect with higher wisdom, that says “look, it’s you, love who you are… Recognize the Power…”

The workshop itself was great fun, spontaneous, which I had missed all my life. Theater of Life 😉 And by the way, how much information came with such trust and help… in the form of the teachers Mario and Gaya and everyone who was around. Just as we think about the evidence of the existence of God and One, this is exactly what I experienced during this workshop. Whether the head wanted to or not, it had to accept it, because it all had and has a much deeper dimension, beyond the ego, beyond thinking. And my little mind won’t stop me. I recommend it to everyone, we need more Gods and Goddesses 🙂

It’s really hard to write reflections because words are not enough.