Marcin, ‘Dream Tarot’, Nowa Morawa 2023

For the first time in my life I experienced so many emotions, emotions, understanding, but also bitterness and self-pity for certain attitudes of mine. What convinced me to take part in the workshop was working on dreams, as I have had amazing dreams since my childhood and especially in my adulthood. From mixing with the real life to the dreams that were even predicting the future. Sometimes I didn’t know if something had happened or if it was a dream.

The most important in my life is one dream. You could say that this is where I started and ended the workshop. This is a nightmare that I remembered as a teenager. Since the time I was a teenager, I have had the dream less and less often, and in my adulthood I’ve had it only a few times, and not as a nightmare, but as a normal, aesthetically pleasing dream.

While preparing for the trip, I had a dream about it, but in a light way. It turned out that it was announcing these workshops. It later alluded to other actions and dreams.

Going inside myself allowed me to unearth and connect to my fears, doubts and dreams. And that’s why for years I felt that I would find my way back to myself through my intense dreams.

I received seemingly simple answers and conclusions, but I treat it as an encouragement to work on myself in the future.