Julita, ‘Dream Tarot’, Nowa Morawa 2023

This workshop was simply magical!

This is the deepest journey and work I have ever done. Completely unexpectedly… It was discovering corners of myself and that I was not alone.

Once again, in Modra Rzeka, I learned to understand through feeling in my body. What the mind seems to understand, the body understands completely differently and provides clear information. Accepting that we are our dreams gives such an amazing insight into ourselves that in some situations I was surprised, asking if it was ME? Is it my move, my voice? And I answered myself with pleasure that yes, this is me, who I can get to know better through the Dream.

Truly amazing. Apart from this beautiful path to myself, I experienced meetings with others during this workshop. These others were people, the forest, the earth and other beings. These meetings showed how much I am connected to them and how much my dreams tell me about it. Through rituals, dreams and guidance, I discovered the conflict that I had created within myself and had been carrying for years.

I want to take responsibility for it now and reach for the healing that has already begun there. After this workshop, I also know that if I heal this conflict within myself, it will be as if I were healing, to some extent, everything and everyone with whom I am connected. I’m just sure of it! I don’t doubt anymore and this lack of doubt is the coolest thing I came home with. This is all in a nutshell.

I write these reflections with great gratitude, because there were supposed to be no thanks.