Tantra of the Heart – Relationship Psychodynamics and Body Communication for the advanced practitioners – the 6th meeting !!! Change of date to June 2025
21/09/2024 - 28/09/2024
Nowa Morawa, Sudeten, Poland
‘The sixth meeting was a ripening of the whole formation experience for me. I have touched what the vibration really is. What it means to surrender to it, and even create it myself. Not just wait passively for something beautiful to come, but create the beauty myself. For others to be able to experience it too.
Responsibility and mindfulness – these are the most important words of the meeting for me. Responsibility for what I create with my words, my actions or my passivity… the way I express myself or do not express myself. Responsibility for what I feed the space where my family and children live with… What I convey to the world – at a very deep level… How the space changes when I appear… If I can sense what it needs and supply it with it
Each of my choices influence the choices of a thousand other people – do I lead them forward or pull down? When I am agonising over my old pains again and again, feeding my fears, closing myself in ‘being different’ or miserably holding my most preciou
s gifts just for myself, then I have to take responsibility for the fact that I create such a world. And the same when I choose laughter, joy, brave heart – ready to open up out of fear… when I say “yes” instead of “no”… when I share the most precious things I have with others and accept help from others, then together with me it can be done by thousands people more. The whole world at this moment is taking a step forward.
There are many beautiful moments in my
heart and in my body: creating songs and poems – in lightness and with a mindfulness of what we add to the world; learning to laugh at ourselves – giving our ego a nose kick; how deep sadness and hopelessness led to the true heart sensitivity… and the wings of angels opened, giving the earth the healing love nourishment.
Ripening. Responsibility. Mindfulness. And the wings of the angel in the heart… The gifts of the 6th meeting. For every moment of life.’
Olga, reflection after the 6th Meeting of the Formation – Tantra of the Heart School, September 2015
We invite all those who have graduated from the 2-year Tantra of the Heart School of Mario and Gaya to the 6th Meeting. The meeting is a continuation of the advanced program.
On this journey we will expand further our awareness of ourselves, our feelings, emotions and needs. This is an internal journey, its direction is experiencing and finding all aspects of oneself and of our inner nature.
This meeting is the time of unification, unification at every level of our existence. It is through compassion, the combination of male and female energy, the connection with the energy of the universe, we discover the cosmic element in ourselves that gives our life the source of being.
At this meeting we go beyond our limiting habits, concepts and structures. You will be able to open up to the experience where from the state of separation / duality you transit into a state of unity with the universe, the state of multi-vibration and heart-ecstasy. Our bodies will be able to achieve higher vibration levels, adapting to the energy changes that are happening on Earth today.
Conscious participation in these changes is now a necessity. In order to enjoy a well-being and a healthy life we can change the patterns of our behaviour, return to the awareness of compassion of the earth’s pulse, which is intertwined in all that is.
We invite you to a new experience, a new journey.
Mario Wisniewski – Animator, psychotherapist, actor, director, teacher of tantra, and shamanic practitioner.
A vigilant observer of the reality, beekeeper and traveller, passionate about life.
A happy husband and father, supported by his wife Gaya and a team of therapists, always with a sense of humour.
Practical information
Date: We begin with lunch at 1 p.m. on 21/09/2024 and end with lunch at 2 p. m. on 28/09/2024
Price: 700 EUR per person / 675 EUR per person in a couple + accommodation 45 EUR per person per night (board and accommodation)
Advance payment and participation in the workshop means that the participant has read the Terms and Conditions and undertakes to abide them.
It is possible to organize care for children in a separate space during workshop hours – for an additional fee.
Our place
Place: Nowa Morawa, the Massif of Snieznik, Lower Silesia, Poland. The home ‘Modra Rzeka’ is a place that will host you with delicious vegetarian home cuisine. The meals are made by locally grown ecological products, coming from the mountains and valleys around– vegetables, fruit, cheese, homemade preserves.
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/w9DrQUarprBEdQFv8Registration
Contact information: Aleksandra Jozwiak, + 48 720 893 888, aleksandra.j@tantra.pl