School of Tantra of the Heart, Formation of Psychodynamics of Relations and Body Communication, 6th meeting, Sept. 2019, Nowa Morawa, Poland
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School of Tantra of the Heart – Formation of Relationship Psychodynamics and Body Communication, Edition XV, meeting 4
Nowa Morawa, Sudeten, Poland, Warsztat 7 dniowy
Prowadzi: Маrio
Tantra School of the heart awakening, formation of relation psychodynamics and body communication The school exists in Poland since 2006. T...
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School of Tantra of the Heart – Formation of Relationship Psychodynamics and Body Communication, Edition XV, meeting 5
Nowa Morawa, Sudeten, Poland, Warsztat 7 dniowy
Prowadzi: Маrio
2-year School of Tantra – Formation of Relation Psychodynamics and Body Communication has existed since 2004. The Formation is an urg...
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NEW GROUP!!! School of Tantra of the Heart - Relationship Psychodynamics and Body Communication, Edition XVII, meeting 1
Nowa Morawa, Sudeten, Poland, Warsztat 7 dniowy
Prowadzi: Маrio
School of Tantra of the Heart – 2 year Formation of Relation Psychodynamics and Body Communication 18th edition – 17th time in ...